Saturday, January 21, 2012

return to normal insanity

I feel like life is returning to a semblance of 'normal'. Granted, we have our kid living here this semester, but we are all adjusting. I know its hard on him..especially coming from a life of independence to having to answer to someone. If anything, it should be a huge incentive to get out of dodge.
Yesterday, our monthly visitor to the library returned. he usually comes in to ask for the application form to be a write in candidate for office. He always has a large cup of coffee and carries many papers and reeks of cigarette smoke. And apparently everytime I give him the application, he loses it and needs to fill it out again. I think he was attempting a run as a house of rep candidate.
However, yesterday, he came in in his usual fashion, clutching papers. he wanted the main telephone number to internal affairs. Uh, internal affairs who who? You know, the ones that arrest criminals and keep an eye on the badges. Uh, local? No, federal. Well, I don't see a main number-it falls under homeland u want the number to report suspicious activity? yep, that will work. Next question..I have a newspaper on banning cell phone use in u have a piece of paper with the rules for drivers? Well, I have a booklet with traffiv laws for new drivers. yes, thats good. I am running for governor and there's an issue......and then I just lost whatever train of thought he might have had. His voice trailed off and he was gone. Govenor? God help us. I suppose it could be worse. There's a woman who visits an Annapolis library who thinks her father, King of France, is being held captive in the basement of George Bush. Actually, that might be true. And the sit down man has discovered Kindles for borrowing at the library. he now wanders around outside the library to see how far the wireless connection goes. He said he would like to sit(of course) on the curb and use the Interent. Better than being in the library.
Glad things are back to normal.

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