Monday, January 16, 2012

looking up

In my earlier posts, we had some dips in the roller coaster of life that took the wind out of our sails. Seems things are calming down. Andrew will not be returning to Warren Wilson this semester thanks to an academic crash. Yes, he knows he screwed up. Went right out the next morning and signed up for classes at Anne Arundel CC. he has never really done things in a normal order. This is do or die..grades need to be stellar. In addition to this, the infamous FDA contacted him on Thursday and asked him to return to work as an intern. Not sure how that will shake down, since he is a full time student and must work around his schedule.

And then we have the Ravens. Who are headed to the AFC championship next weekend. I am not holding too much hope that they can get past that game after how they played this weekend. But perhaps my gut feeling will come true and we will see a brothers superbowl.

Happy martin Luther King Day.

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