Saturday, November 24, 2018

coming back....

Yep, been a long time. I lost my mojo when mom headed to the next world. I need to wake up some creative juices and share my words of fun. Maybe not wisdom..just observations. And after all, I work in a public library which is always good for some interesting stories.

It's Thanks giving weekend and always brings back my memories of early family days. My mother WAS Thanksgiving. She ate and breathed the whole holiday. It was always a big production involving multitudes of food prep, family, ex-husbands, and friends. Turkey was always on the menu, but it really was all about the side dishes that have been on the table for 3 generations. Over the course of growing up, some were updated and some were just crossed off the list. Celery Salad was just that. It landed on the table every year. No one ate it. My mother swears it is a German dish my great grandmother made. Perhaps it was the same celery salad every year-just resurrected. Mashed rutabagas was an update to Winter Puree. It really didn't increase in popularity however.

My mother made is happen. One year the oven was broken and she simply asked to use the neighbors oven. That was the same year dinner guests sat under the table to drink stingers after the meal.

We open our doors to anyone. Nick was especially kind hearted and brought the entire Hispanic kitchen staff of the Brass Elephant to dinner. He also brought a nursing home resident one year, followed by a homeless woman a couple of years later. It was always a surprize-

And who could forget our game playing after each meal, where mom gave a great rendition of a beluga whale. She was ALL in.

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