Saturday, November 24, 2018

the beginnings of Lucy 9/8/08

Enough about twitter, flickr, and widgets. Let's talk flesh and blood. We just adopted a puppy recently on a Sunday morning when defenses were down with the parental units. We could not take day of, " PLEASE, can we get a dog?????? " So, Lucy has arrived about a month ago. My recent observations of ownership of a labradoodle:

1. Energy abounds. Often times when the energy has a chance of building up without release, she runs amok. Lamps fly, pillows are tossed, rugs end up bunched at the end of the hallway. I feel for my cat...

2. The Mouth. it should be her nickname. She gnaws, licks and bites anything that is in her range. She carries laundry, specifically underwear and socks, and drops them when she grows bored-usually at the front door where visitors come in. Other items might include shower puffs, large tree branches, dead birds, shoes (a given), and sunglasses.

3. Eating Habits-wow this is a scary thing. She has the dog food thing down pretty good. Then evening arrives and its time to forage. First, we make a trip to the cat littler box and have a snack. This produces thirst, so we are headed to the toilet for a refreshing drink in the porcelain god. Now its time to walk, so great opportunity to hunt crickets, eat them alive; then if we are really fortunate, there might be some rabbit terds in the grass for a night cap. Moral: never let the dog mouth near you...

4. Training. Needs to be slow and steady. She hasn't been thrown out of Puppy Kindergarten yet, so thats a plus. Things we need to work on-Come! (this is a complete joke), no jumping, stay, and leave the treat until I say you can have it. She can sit. And lay down. Not even on demand. All you need is a food product-peaches, carrots, tomato....

So, life has been altered as we once knew it. I have no more crickets in my yard. I never have to clean the cat litter box. The baby gate is back up. Sigh.....

puppy updates 10/20/08

Another past posting....

I suppose its a good thing to update the growth of our furry member of the family. Not good things and not so good things.

SHe has graduated from puppy training. However, it was suggested she repeat. Where did we go wrong?

We are getting a little more frisky. Tree branches are getting biggeras she drags them into the house. I came home one day after crating her-she greeted me at the door. She turned her crate over. The big escape.

Couple of shoes have bitten the dust.

THe up side-we put an electric fence up and its working very well. No more bolting to the neighbors. It must be that pain factor.

kudos to my nephew 6.28.11

Originally published 6/28/11 on another blog site I had..I am putting everything in one location..

Okay, so i did go off a bit about those dang kids not sending me a thank you for grad money. Since then, my nephew has given me a very nice written thank you note and a pic of him from his prom. And I understand a friend's son is working on his-might take him a while, but that okay. I take back my whinin...partially...still haven't heard from 2 others.

To change topics, perpetual issues at the library. I really do think the powers above me would love to shut the doors of this building because of the rental issues we see everyday. Ideally, we need to be in our own building and get out of here.

Friday afternoon was full of new and favorite patrons. Our regulars appeared. The complainer who never has her holds waiting for her because we lose them (amazing, I say to her, that you are the ONLY person this happens to). Sit down man, who wears the same outfit every day-bathing trunks, button up shirt tucked in the suit, tennis shoes. The woman who claims to belong to the Mensa group (which I highly doubt), and a new person. She needed to tell me that the summer reading list publication had a GLARING editing mistake and what am I going to do about it? After all, she was editor of not one, but TWO new york newspapers and this was simply unacceptable. Perhaps she could just make paper airplanes out of those publications. And the roof continues to leak. Despite no rain in 2 weeks.

Perhaps its time for a vacation.

coming back....

Yep, been a long time. I lost my mojo when mom headed to the next world. I need to wake up some creative juices and share my words of fun. Maybe not wisdom..just observations. And after all, I work in a public library which is always good for some interesting stories.

It's Thanks giving weekend and always brings back my memories of early family days. My mother WAS Thanksgiving. She ate and breathed the whole holiday. It was always a big production involving multitudes of food prep, family, ex-husbands, and friends. Turkey was always on the menu, but it really was all about the side dishes that have been on the table for 3 generations. Over the course of growing up, some were updated and some were just crossed off the list. Celery Salad was just that. It landed on the table every year. No one ate it. My mother swears it is a German dish my great grandmother made. Perhaps it was the same celery salad every year-just resurrected. Mashed rutabagas was an update to Winter Puree. It really didn't increase in popularity however.

My mother made is happen. One year the oven was broken and she simply asked to use the neighbors oven. That was the same year dinner guests sat under the table to drink stingers after the meal.

We open our doors to anyone. Nick was especially kind hearted and brought the entire Hispanic kitchen staff of the Brass Elephant to dinner. He also brought a nursing home resident one year, followed by a homeless woman a couple of years later. It was always a surprize-

And who could forget our game playing after each meal, where mom gave a great rendition of a beluga whale. She was ALL in.