Thursday, September 12, 2013

10 things I love about Maddie

Fair's fair...although I am sure she is groaning with embarrassment...

10. Sense of Humor. She has a silly side which I can relate to. And being smart lends well to a witty humor. Commentary from kids at school that know her...she is funny. Only one that might not think so is her former french teacher. But he is an odd one anyway.

9. Generosity. She will volunteer for almost anything. Except maybe cleaning out her dad's chicken coop. But she has been with me on a cold rainy morning to support ALS, will play games with the homeless, will help her neighbor's kids with reading, and actively LOOKS for volunteer opportunities. What teen does that?

8. Style. She knows what looks good on her without pushing the envelope. She turns her nose up to streetwalker prom dresses. She is trendy, yet has little interest in following the push for designer brands.

7. Thrifyness. Okay, this really might have to do with her very clear understanding of money and the power it holds. She has always made money babysitting and dog sitting and well aware of the cost of things and if its too expensive, she leaves it alone. She likes money and likes having money. She shops sales, looks for the best bargain, and compromises when it comes to that 70.00 polo shirt. Now that's my girl.

6. Her relentless energy. Thank god she plays sports. She is my dog walker/runner. She will fetch things for her very tired and quasi old mother without complaint. She leaps the steps in 3 bounds. Not to say she enjoys a night of being a couch potato or sleeping in. But once she's up, she hits the ground running. Wish we could bottle that.

5. Her organization. I glanced at her school notebook the other day. Pristine with tabs for homework, class notes, and subject. Paperwork for school is on time and presented to me the minute she gets it. She actually uses her planner. Now granted, her room looks like a bomb went off in it, but as she has told me..she knows what is in each quadrant of floor space. Guess it works. Now if I could only get her to make her bed.... And maybe put dishes in the dishwasher...

4.Enthusiasm. Like her brother, she loves new experiences . She loves to look forward to something. She is an awesome travel companion, where anything goes with great joy. She loves new restaurants..only thing she wanted for her phenomenal report card was a trip to Helmund, an Afghan restaurant. If it involves fun, she is even willing to get up before the sun. Now that's commitment...

3. Compassion and loyalty. Maddie will defend the underdogs. She has a soft spot for those who are a bit 'different'. She actually called someone out in the hallway for talkin smack about someone. She is fiercely loyal to her friends. And expects the same in return.

2. Her intelligence. She runs circles around me in the math department. Well, that might not be a good example, since I have the ability of a 6th grader. It's her flawless grades, her voracious reading, and her love for learning if the teacher is someone who she relates to.

1. Her love of cooking. And baking. And what foodie wouldn't love that??

1 comment:

  1. Really awesome post. Such a special young lady...Go Maddie :)
