Sunday, July 28, 2013

Throw back weekend

I love summer simply because your free time is your own time and no one else's. No demands of sports, homework help, after school meetings, or work headaches (aside from the normal ones who might walk in the door).I am always searching for new experiences that are low cost on the weekends. I combed the Live section of the Sun..cover story was about the Baltimore Theater Project who were presenting a theater production with vegetable animals and people. At least I think that was what it was. i just could not wrap my head around they use the veggies as puppets and move them with their hands? Is it a film? I knew this would be a hard sell on Maddie (hey, want to go watch vegetables in a ....uh.....production....?). Okay. No. Not many theaters are active in the summer, so I moved onto movies. We have been wanting to go to Benji's Drive In in Middle River forever and here was a great opportunity. The evening was an unusual cool one..perfect for a drive in.
Benji's drive in has been in existence since the 1950's, but some things have changed. Obviously, the speakers you used to hook onto your car no longer exist (but the poles are still there). The film quality is digital-not like those old reels we used to watch. But I think what has changed is the rules. I understand the need to set some boundaries to ensure the quality of your experience. But Benji's takes this to a new level. here is what we experienced in the first 10 minutes of arriving:

Box Office: How many?
Me: 2 of us.
BO: That is 18.00. Only cash, No credit cards.
Me: Okay.
BO: you have to turn off your lights.
Me: They are running lights. They are always on.
BO: We only allow yellow running lights. You need to turn off your car. press your foot on the parking break until it clicks once. then turn on your engine and continue to drive to your location with your brakes on.
Me: You want me to drive with my foot on the brake???
BO: No. you leave your parking break on until u park. Don't get out of your car. Don't walk back to the box office. Do you have any outside food? If you do, there are restrictions. You have to pay 10.00.
We inch forward. More signs with rules.
We are approached by another worker.
Worker: Welcome to benji's. You need to park in designated areas with yellow poles only or Row 10 or behind Benji's if there is room. (I never caught any of that).

We find our space with a yellow pole. We are asked to re=park the squeeze another car in between 2 poles.
We go to the snack bar. One line for express. One for regular food. No eating your popcorn in line as you wait to pay. no butter allowed on personal food. no smoking 15 feet from snack bar....
Once the movie starts, the owner comes on 20 minutes before the film to share the house rules.
I counted 48 rules.
So, if you can follow house rules, you will enjoy yourself....

Saturday, my mother bought 5.00 tickets for us to see fluid movement perform at Druid Hill Park. They are an artistic synchronized swimming group of men and women all sixes, shapes, and ages. With a very low budget. They performed Moby Dick. They do take sychronization very seriously, despite the silliness of the costumes and production. Worth every penny...and perhaps entertaining the idea of joining them. They have lots of fun. They put Esther Williams to shame.

Time to top off the weekend with some Real Housewives and Princesses of Long island.

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