Tuesday, June 18, 2013

vacation is looming

Vacation is coming..and it can't arrive soon enough. I know its time for me to get away when little things pissed the hell out of me.
I popped into a UPS store to drop a package off..it was labelled-I simply needed to hand it to a human. No parking spaces available, so I dared to break the law and park in one of the 3 handicapped spaces in front of the store (or I should say physically challenged). As I wait for a store employee, a woman walks in-dressed in what I can only describe as tennis chic, and says to me: "Excuse me, do you know you are parked in a handicapped space???" I reply "Yes. I do know that. I am feeling a bit handicapped today." "Well." she says, "Thats just not right". And I reply, "that's ok. I plan to pray to God for his forgiveness." She shut up. Normally I would not be bothered by this, but I was in no mood to have the moral police give me shit for parking where the hell I wanted to park. For 2 minutes.
I just finished an all day retreat on styrategic planning and a 3 hour session on communication-trying to improve communication between HDQ and branches. End result-after 3 hours and futile attempts to address real life concerns (facilitator refused to veer off of her scripted Power Point) the end result was the problem, according to some staff at HDQ, lied with the receiver of the message, not the messenger. And as someone else piped up-"i see no reason why our department heads need to explain everything to the lowest denominator". Hmmmm.... Ironically, after that brutal exchange, a group of us decided on getting an adult beverage. Only half showed up..they didn't get the message.
So, 3 more days of summer reading sign ups and our illustrious patron asking if he could please wear spandex shorts to the library with his mesh shirt. We said no. So, he is wearing his bathing suit. And a florescent orange safety vest. Sooooo much better.

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