Thursday, June 27, 2013

Musings of OBX

Well, it is our last day at the are a few shared moments:

Lucy found her favorite spot, which required a Marley leap each time she found the pool. I saw that she was a bit bored with the whole thing towards the end of the week. Do I really have to jump in again and get that damn tennis ball?

Maddie and i had our first golf game. Now, we did make sure we went late in the day to a course that was the least intimidating. Most of the courses down here require the proper attire, shoes, and pace of play. The one we did find was sandals, shorts, and go have fun. Started out rocky..had to figure out how to drive the golf cart (yeah I know...doesn't require a rocket scientist). Then we forgot the golf tees after we arrived at the first hole. We had to go back to the car, but maddie forgot to lock in her golf clubs and they spilled all over the golf course. okay, aside from all that, we finally got started and probably only lost about 10 balls in water and woods.

Girls did alot of kayaking..did a guided tour today which was very enjoyable.

Off to visit Duck.

There's a nice house for sale down here for 244K..anyone want to buy it with me?

Sunday, June 23, 2013

ahhh...supermoons and humidity

Things haven't changed much since i was last down here. Although I haven't ventured far from our location. We are staying in Southern Shores for the first time, which is a hidden gem. I always thought most of this area consisted of beach shacks along the main highway. i had no idea that there was a beautiful community lined with tall trees, large homes, and a very easy walk to the beach.
We saw monsters University last evening. it was delightful, but lets just say it sheds new light on librarians.
Vacationing with teens is an interesting experience. i have nothing more to all know what I am talking about.
Tonight is the arrival of the supermoon. Maddie and CeCe hope to kayak out there tonight to see it from the sound side, if the weather holds up.
Andrew has been held responsible for the chicken sitting this week. i am hoping none run away or find themselves in the clutches of a fox. We need homes for the little ones...please volunteer to take these off our hands..especially the roosters.
Off to the beach before the storms.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

a PS

I now have 3 followers. One a mystery person. I am quite surprized. After 2 years of blogging, I have 3 followers!!! And I got an invite to follow someone. An evangelical. Perhaps I need to be saved?

outer banks bound

We are packing up the youngest child, the kayaks, and the dog and headed to one of my favorite spots for vacation-the Outer banks. We have a long history with this beautiful piece of back when we were wee little children. Or perhaps my mother remembered us as the bane of her existence. In any case, every summer our large loud family would pack up our 1968 VW bug with my mother, my father, my brother Chris, my twin brothers Nick and Tim, and whatever cat we had in our possession at the time. And occasionally the labrador retriever. When she was not birthing puppies(I can think of one instance where we were vacationing and our Dog was home delivering a litter of 11. Nothing got in the way of vacation-especially for my mother). So, out little black bug would carry us all to the southern regions of the banks..Avon, Buxton, Hatteras, and sometimes Ocracoke Island. We often referred to our travelling means as the circus car. We had piles of luggage in the front trunk and perhaps the top of the car and as we pulled into a gas station for gas, there was a never ending stream of people, dogs, and cats who got out to pee or run around in circles to stretch their legs. My brother and I sat in the back seat; the twin boys in the well of the car, which was no more than a small space behind the back seat that no normal size human could fit in. I have a very distinct memory of my little brother's heads only visible behind me, with little space for squirming. And god knows where the cat was... Much less the dog.
We were cramped, but who cared. We were headed to the beach. Sand, sunshine,sand castles, bodysurfing, black flies, riptides. It was all good. We learned about Blackbeard (his ship sank not far from Okracoke Island), lighthouses, fishing, and ferry boats. We learned the cemeteries on Okracoke had burial mounds, not flat grave sites. Which was very creepy at night. And my father learned not to have a child with an ear infection when you vacation on an island only accessible by a ferry boat.
Tradition continues. When our kids were younger, we introduced pirate treasures, where we would hide a treasure map in our beach house (often near the house bar where we spent alot of time. They always looked amazed when they found the map. Unless it was for our own amusement and they knew we were the actual pirates.
We also shared our homes with the Corolla horses, who run free at the northern beaches. Beautiful animals and often i would come down the steps to the car port only to be greeted by a giant horse's ass.
Times have changed..only one child is going with a friend. And I am bringing golf clubs. And a library collection of books. Never could get away with that when they were little. Here's to a marguarita and Stephen King's novel..Under the Dome. Which is 1100 pages long. Who am I kidding????

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

vacation is looming

Vacation is coming..and it can't arrive soon enough. I know its time for me to get away when little things pissed the hell out of me.
I popped into a UPS store to drop a package was labelled-I simply needed to hand it to a human. No parking spaces available, so I dared to break the law and park in one of the 3 handicapped spaces in front of the store (or I should say physically challenged). As I wait for a store employee, a woman walks in-dressed in what I can only describe as tennis chic, and says to me: "Excuse me, do you know you are parked in a handicapped space???" I reply "Yes. I do know that. I am feeling a bit handicapped today." "Well." she says, "Thats just not right". And I reply, "that's ok. I plan to pray to God for his forgiveness." She shut up. Normally I would not be bothered by this, but I was in no mood to have the moral police give me shit for parking where the hell I wanted to park. For 2 minutes.
I just finished an all day retreat on styrategic planning and a 3 hour session on communication-trying to improve communication between HDQ and branches. End result-after 3 hours and futile attempts to address real life concerns (facilitator refused to veer off of her scripted Power Point) the end result was the problem, according to some staff at HDQ, lied with the receiver of the message, not the messenger. And as someone else piped up-"i see no reason why our department heads need to explain everything to the lowest denominator". Hmmmm.... Ironically, after that brutal exchange, a group of us decided on getting an adult beverage. Only half showed up..they didn't get the message.
So, 3 more days of summer reading sign ups and our illustrious patron asking if he could please wear spandex shorts to the library with his mesh shirt. We said no. So, he is wearing his bathing suit. And a florescent orange safety vest. Sooooo much better.

Monday, June 3, 2013

summer musings

Nick has flown off to Florida to start a new life at the age of 49. We had a going away party for him at a beautiful location on the bay, where some of his closest high school friends came to bid him farewell. It was a pot luck. So my question is, when do we grow sophisticated enough to bring something other than a 5.00 box of cookies or a bag of potato chips? I think my goat cheese, greens, and strawberry salad might have been a little pretentious. I love Nick's friends for the most part. Except for the ones I can'r understand, like Mike who shows up in a smoking jacket and talks about his new invention involving shoe laces (and in fact the same conversation I had 2 years ago). But it was a wonderful day. Last I heard, he arrived safely at his girlfriends house, promptly broke a glass, left the toilet seat up in the middle of the night, and fell asleep on the sofa snoring loudly. I am sure this is all endearing. Now. To be continued...

And just an addedum to my last post...our illustrious patron who wanted to wear a mesh shirt was asking for advice on spandex biking shorts. God help us.

Tomorrow the county council makes a decision on the budget. And if it goes through as planned, we will be open 20 more hours a week. A good thing yet daunting.

Baseball. And what a great season so far.