Wednesday, May 29, 2013

another library visit...

Patron possibly shot with BB gun

At 0930 hrs patron Gary came to the information desk and reported that he'd been shot in the back of the head with a BB gun that stung him and might have done real damage had it hit his front (eye etc...) There were 2 causasion boys in a light blue car, possibly a late model mustang. The passenger with red hair, the driver with dark. I called 911 and he spoke with the operator, Officer Robinson arrived shortly after and took the report.

Woman fell multiple times outside of building

Sam informed me at about 3:30 pm that a patron informed Karen at Circulation that a woman had fallen a couple times outside of the branch. Sam asked that I accompany her outside to speak with the woman. Two men and one woman were talking to her and one of the men was holding her up. We approached and Sam asked her if she was ok. She didn't say anything. The man supporting her was asking her if she has someone to pick her up, and said she can't keep walking around because she could get injured. We asked her if she had a number for a family member or friend we could call to pick her up. She couldn't form any coherent sentences. Sam and I decided we should call the police, so I went in to call. They sent the fire dept., an ambulance and a police officer. I went back outside and the woman was sitting on a bench with Sam. We continued to ask her if she wanted us to call anyone. She started talking about her daughter but did not complete her thought and we couldn't get a number or name. The fire dept arrived first and she seemed uncomfortable with us having called them. Kept saying, "Seriously?" We walked away to give them space but remained outside just in case they needed to talk to us. We saw them look through her bag, examine her hands, and continue asking questions. The EMTs and police officer did the same. One of the firemen walked over to tell us she had had too much to drink and the police officer was going to take care of it.

Please drinking and walking....

Overheard in our library.....

Him -"Can I wear a mesh shirt to the library? I want to feel air conditioned when I am walking?"
Me-"Not if it is see through"
Him-"why? Because you could see my skin"
Him- "Do you think that would be unsightly?"

This is the same person who asked for advice on purchasing leather pants over the winter.

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