Thursday, September 8, 2011

Politics and weather

I am waking up to reports of major flooding. We just recovered from Hurricane Irene. This is the remnanats of Tropical storm Lee and it has been raining for 5 days now. Not just raining-pouring. So, just to review, we had a tornado in early August in out area. That was followed by an earthquake. Then Irene moved in. God telling us something? Speaking of messages, the GOP candidates had a debate last night. Wow, talk about watching the center ring of Ringling Brothers. Seems the top 2 candidates are Rick Perry and Mitt Romney. I have mixed feelings..this might be very good for Obama, or it could be very scary. I don't know who is scarier-Bachman or Perry. Bachman is convinced we are headed to Socialism..which when you hear her speak about it, it sounds like dictatorship. I heard on the radio yesterday Americans have the least number of vacation days in the entire world. Wow-guess its better to be miserable than a socialist. I will end on a positive starts today. Oh joy! Unfortunately, it starts on the 10 year anniversary of 9/11. Sure are having our share of ups and downs. Go Saints.

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