Sunday, September 18, 2011

Ah the memories?

I realize time is marching on and now that I am well into's...seems the memory synposis is not. I recently had a conversation with my older mother (age is a state of mind) where we discussed the upcoming holiday celebrations. here is the conversation: Mom: So, we will do Thanksgiving at Tim's this year. What shall we do for Christmas? Me: How bout we do what we did last year and have at our house? Mom: We had Christmas at your house? Me: Yes, don't u remember? We did lobster. And some other kind of meat..... Mom: Really? I'll bet that was delicious. Me: Yes it was. You rwally enjoyed it. I have no recollection what else we did..Maddie! What did we do for Christmas last year? Maddie: Sigh...We had the family over Christmas eve. We had lobster, short ribs, scalloped potatoes. Grandma spent the night. Opened gifts in the morning. Grandma went home. Mom; I SPENT THE NIGHT??? No I didn't.... Maddie: yes, u did. And you had Christmas brunch party at your house. Me: Who was there? Maddie: You were Mom. sheesh... I am very grateful I have a memory keeper in my family.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

emotional rollercoaster

The weather has finally cleared and storms are over. looking like fall by the end of the week. The weekend brought a variety of emotions and most of the crazy people who live in Pasadena on Saturday to the library. Now, I am a believer in the full moon syndrome, which happened to be Saturday. Three in a was a patron who needed award winning PICTURE books with substance because, as she announced in a very loud incredulous voice "I have to read 28 books in 5 weeks!!" Picture books people... This was followed by a woman wanting a travel book by Robin Leech, which in reality was Rick Teach. Started out like a normal transaction until she launched into her recent blind date experiences and how men of a certain age can't appreciate women with brains, and that they don't value her....huh? And finally we have the 14 year old who's library card has gone to collections because her books were returned months after they were due. She came in with her dad, who now has custody of her and hands me an address. This is his ex-wife's address..send all the bills to her. Well sir, its your daughters card. i don't care...send the bill to her..she is the one who got her the card. Well, can't do that..despite wanting to screw your ex-wife in any way possible and sticking your 14 year old in the middle. So, Sunday was 9/11. Lots of memories. many sad ones. I am better off focusing on the new memorial, which is beautiful and touching. The new train station is positioned just right where EVERY year on 9/11, a beam of sunlight will divide the station in half at exactly 8 46 and 10 cool is that? The afternoon was the Ravens first season opener..against the Steelers. Always apprehensive when they play the Steelers, but no need to be on Sunday. They dominated the game and kicked some serious butt. I have never seen them play as well as they did that back to being euphoric. I hope to visit here sooner than i have been...certainly been slacking more.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Politics and weather

I am waking up to reports of major flooding. We just recovered from Hurricane Irene. This is the remnanats of Tropical storm Lee and it has been raining for 5 days now. Not just raining-pouring. So, just to review, we had a tornado in early August in out area. That was followed by an earthquake. Then Irene moved in. God telling us something? Speaking of messages, the GOP candidates had a debate last night. Wow, talk about watching the center ring of Ringling Brothers. Seems the top 2 candidates are Rick Perry and Mitt Romney. I have mixed feelings..this might be very good for Obama, or it could be very scary. I don't know who is scarier-Bachman or Perry. Bachman is convinced we are headed to Socialism..which when you hear her speak about it, it sounds like dictatorship. I heard on the radio yesterday Americans have the least number of vacation days in the entire world. Wow-guess its better to be miserable than a socialist. I will end on a positive starts today. Oh joy! Unfortunately, it starts on the 10 year anniversary of 9/11. Sure are having our share of ups and downs. Go Saints.