Monday, March 14, 2016

the political climate

There is a new series running on HBO called the Circus, which is a documentary showcasing the current presidential race to the White House. And it truly reflects the is like watching a 3 ring circus before our very eyes.

I am starting to believe the GOP is going to implode on itself with the direction it is going. It has no one to blame but themselves, when the Tea Party reared its ugly head a few years back and splintered the Party. So now the price is being paid. They have Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, and Donald Trump as their front runner candidates. Who exactly is the better choice among these folks? Ted Cruz, who is a stanch Evangelical, who touts far right positions in abortion, gun ownership, and gay marriage. Marco Rubio, a youngster, who lambasted Trump with a reference to how small his hands are and 'we all know what means'. This topic of interest came up at the Republican debates, where Trump declared that there was nothing wrong with his anatomy-he was good down there. Yes, a presidential debate where we are discussing your penis size. That is found in ring number 1. In Ring number 3, we have Ted Cruz, who says he will support Trump if he gets the election-UNLESS HE SHOOTS SOMEONE. Obviously, Cruz has a very strong morality line he will not cross.
And then in the center ring, is Donald Trump. The reality star/businessman, who is a racist, a bigot, and a bully. All illegal Mexicans will be deported. Muslims will be required to register in this country. He is arrogant and has the mentality of a 13 year old. He makes false statements, lies, and says what his people want to hear. This week, there has been some very ugly protesting going on a Trump's rally's, in which Trump feels they need to be thrown out or better yet, beat up.
Is this really where the GOP party wants to go? Because if, god forbid, he is elected, it will be the end of the Republican party as we know it.

Someone better take the reins, before this horse race is completely out of control for years to come.

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