Monday, May 26, 2014

trials of young adults

No folks, it doesn't get easier. I yearn for those elementary days of my kids where the only decision that had to be made was what kind of jelly you want on your PB and J sandwich. Or what historical figure you were going to be for your 4th grade report. Yes, our only concern was finding a babysitter when you wanted to go out. Or staying home when one of them was sick.

So switch to 10 years later. We are college visiting in the beautiful state of Virginia. Maddie is driving for more practice on I85-it is a 70 mph zone. She is navigating tractor trailors while keeping her eyes on the road as a brand new driver with a learner permit. As she passes in the fast land, her speed creeps up and there is a cop immediately behind. Being the nice understanding officer dealing with a kid with a learner from another state, he kindly tells her she is doing a good job driving, but just slow down. Oh, and here is your ticket for reckless driving (83 mph is reckless-anything over 80).

Her court date is the Tuesday after Memorial Day at 10 AM....4 hours from us. I made a call to the court to ask the clerk for a continuance (as instructed on the website). She told me NO. Really? I explained I had a family emergency. NO. What am I going to have to do? She says report to court or be found guilty and possibly pay 2500.00 and get 6 points on your license. She said only a judge can grant a continuance and he won't because he has to remain neutral. What the hell does that mean?

So, in the end, we hire a lawyer. I think perhaps the lawyer needs to be on speed dial. He sends a letter to court and asks for a continuance-same woman I spoke to, it was granted.

I hate Virginia. And I would like to go 6 months without sitting in a courtroom for one of my children. I just want to make them a peanut butter and blackberry jelly sandwich.

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