Thursday, April 17, 2014

Road trip

I haven't been in the library this week, so I have no great library stories, but stay tuned....its never a dull moment-

Maddie and I are on a road trip to see some colleges and touch vase with the Carroll clan in Greenville SC. Started our trip visiting NC State University and staying with Nancy (friend and old colleague) and her hubby Mike. These folks got it going on. They live in Cary NC in a 55+ community where they offer just about anthing you might ever eant to do in your retirement-golf, tennis, games, dance lessons, swimming, fitness room, library, social activities, cooking classes, the list goes on. They are who I want to embody..that is what I think about when I retire. I might also add Mike laying 2 hours of tennis on Sunday morning with Maddie and a few other 55+ folks and he kept up with the young one. Guess 70 years of tennis might be useful....
Nancy's passion is food-cooking classes, books, kitchen that all we shopped for. Okay by me-
NC State is big, but fun. It is trendy-up on technology. They just built a new state of the art library on the engineering campus which is indescribable.
Then off to Vech, whic has quite a different feel. Much more rural, campus is bis also, but has an intimate feel to it. Buildings are made of hokie stone-they look a bit like castles. Great engineering program here, but the presentation was riddled with tech issues...that i can't seem to understand.
We topped off the trip to a visit to Greenville..such a nice town. Great visit with Bingo and Auntie and the greyhounds-Chloe and J.W. They live a very different life than the Cary NC retirees, quiet, lots of walks, reading, crosswords, good wine...not a bad life either. Face it, retirement is everything it appears to be.
We return to MD this weekend, but it was such a joy to spend this time with Maddie, as I know these times are drawing to a close very soon. Thank god she still likes me and enjoys travelling...

Florida this summer.

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