Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Top 10 list

Oh my god..14 people viewed my blog today! That might be a record. I need to step it up.

Top Ten reasons to Head to London and Dublin(which is happening in 10 short days):

10. We get to fly British Airlines. Where hot meals, sleep masks, footies, hot meals, and wine are all free. And they all have British accents.

9. Spending quality time with my mother and brother. I think it will all be okay, as long as those pints of beer flow freely.

8. Weather will be nice. Well, maybe not. Who cares? We have Irish Whiskey and beer.

7. A chance to meet long lost relatives in Dublin. Who are 3 times removed cousins on my mother's side. i think. I don't care. We will have a pint of beer.

6. We get to visit the Queen. None too soon..National Enquirer reported she is going to die.

5. Castles, the Beatles, and James Bond.

4. Seeing some of the English countryside. i will be doing that tour solo. it's all okay, there will be pints of beer.

3. No driving. Thanks god, cause after all this beer and whiskey, i doubt I would remember what side of the road i will be on.

2. Great hotels..we stepped it up to a 4 star.

1. Pubs. Beer. Irish Coffees.


Sunday, March 3, 2013

chicken stories

I mentioned in an earlier blog that Alan has entered the world of raising chickens. I thought an update was in order, since I have seen signs of a serious mid life chicken crisis.
We have been very happy with the 4 ladies we house..Samantha, Carrie, Charlotte, and Miranda. They have been doing their job..we see 4 eggs a day most days. They aren't too loud. They are friendly. They chirp when they hear you coming and wait at the fence when you enter their chicken palace. Really, this is a palace compared to where they might be living on an eastern shore poultry farm. Alan has just build an addition onto their home..a small run area with a special little chicken door. Netted over so hawks can't help themselves to dinner.
So, just as we settled in to our small flock, he disappears one afternoon and returns with 3 more chickens. Almost doubling our population. Now, we don't live on acres of land. I made my protests-he assured me he was planning on giving them to another chicken farmer. Well, all but one. Immediately, the new chickens upset the pecking order. We had some bullies among the 'can't we all get along" ones. Chickens all want to have a boss and they fight for the position. It's not all what it cracks up to be, believe me.
I was releived to hear some of the new chickens were finding new homes until our dinner conversation came back to his favorite subject and I happen to hear the last few words of "raising chicks". What?! Wait a sec...NO ROOSTER. They are noisy, pushy, and most of the time cranky. Well, Alan says, you don't need a rooster. (Just as I get a handle on chicken knowledge, I am thrown another loop). You simply visit a chicken farm that has FERTILIZED eggs, and a brooding chicken will sit on them and hatch them. Kinda like a surrogate chicken scenario. Okay, give up. But please, no chicken killing for Sunday night dinners. I draw the line.