Friday, December 16, 2016

Happy Holidays!

Happy end of 2016!! I am actually relieved to see this year come to an end, mostly due to a miserable election process with an ending I had not seen coming. I am hoping for a better 2017, but time will tell on that with our new administration. As I have said many times-my desire to be well informed is currently at odds with my desire to remain sane.

Onto to happier moments-Alan and I took a cruise out of Baltimore to the Caribbean in February-perfect timing. Warmth, sunshine, umbrella drinks, great company, cheesy entertainment. A much need break.

Maddie finished her first year at NC State with great success. She joined the Rugby team and we were all introduced to a whole new language-scrums, line outs, rucks, trys, knock ons....yeah, definitely a learning curve to understand this game. They pass backwards, they wear silly scrum caps, push people into the air and huddle in large groups with heads between thighs. Those are tough girls. Until the game is over. Then the opposing team is invited to a rugby 'social', where they sing dirty rugby songs and drink. The appeal is the non competitive spirit off the field and the social connections among team members. Kinda like a Rugby sorority, where everyone is welcome. As a mother, it is hard to watch-you hope your off spring will avoid injury and simply run away.

Andrew continues to live in Baltimore and juggle 3 jobs, two of which are at 2 different county libraries. His goal is to find full time work at just one library. Going back to school is also in his mind. He has also taken a liking to cooking and his new endeavor is Korean. He did find out that one can be a bit heavy handed with the Korean peppers and hot sauce-all at one time. Not recommended.

Lucy the dog is working towards being a therapy dog, where she can visit nursing homes, hospitals, and libraries. This is more challenging than one might think-she is still very much a dog with springs on her paws. No command is completed without huge enthusiasm. She jumps into a lay position, if that is even possible. She sits, but she twitches until she is released. Patience is a challenge.

Alan hasn't given up the job yet, although he could walk away tomorrow. And I could as well. Just got to get through college tuition...

Rest of the family is doing well-Abby is at Towson working towards her 4 year degree. Conor has finished his degree and deserves a huge pat on the back! Katie is living in Annapolis and doing very well in her job. Nick is working towards becoming a limo driver, with an official hat. Tim might be getting involved with the medical marijuana business with Sophia in the next year.

Wishing everyone good health and prosperity in the coming year!!
The Adams